
Master's in

Cybersecurity Engineering Technology


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The UMES M.S. in Cybersecurity Engineering Technology program is composed of 34 credit hours total, comprising 12 credits in core courses, 21 credits in technical electives, and a 1-credit seminar course which focuses on producing a research paper related to Information Assurance and Computer Security.

The courses available in the program are:

Core Courses

  • ETCS 600 Statistical Applications for Technology (3 credits)
  • ETCS 606 Applied Research for Technology (3 credits)
  • ETCS 620 Project Management for Technology (3 credits)
  • ETCS 687 Legal and Ethical Issues in Cybersecurity (3 credits)


  • ETCS 678 Mobile Wireless Networking and Security (3 credits)
  • ETCS 680 Networking Technology for Industry (3 credits)
  • ETCS 681 System Integrity for Cybersecurity (3 credits)
  • ETCS 682 Cybersecurity Administration (3 credits)
  • ETCS 683 Network Intrusion, Detection and Incidence Response (3 credits)
  • ETCS 685 Fundamentals of Network Security (3 credits)
  • ETCS 686 Advanced Network Security (3 credits)

Seminar Course

  • ETCS 690 Master’s Seminar (1 credit)